[Asterisk-Users] two NAT patches and STUN

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 31 11:04:08 MST 2003

--- William Waites <asterisk at lists.styx.org> wrote:

> > Both of these have an "if" statment that checks to see if
> > the public address needs to be stuffed into the outbound
> > SIP packet.  I would replace this "if" with one that checks
> > the result of a STUN query.  STUN simply makes Asterisk
> > more self-configuring.
> Careful though -- we don't necessarily want to send a stun
> query each time ast_sip_ouraddrfor() is called. That would
> introduce unnecessary traffic as well as delay in setting 
> up the call. 

Yes, exactly.  Maybe I should have been more clear and wrote

  "I would replace this "if" with one that checks
   the result cached from a previousa STUN query"

I don't think you can do STUN just once on startup either,
not on a server with "up time" measured in months or years.
I think a "STUN cache" is the answer.

> stun.conf?

No not  yet one more *.conf file!

STUN is just the means to discover the NAT environment.
There may some day be more means added including 
manual config.  So I'd say "nat.conf" or a [nat} section
in some other file

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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