[Asterisk-Users] Absolute Minimum Installation Packages

Leif Madsen leif at radiokaos.com
Thu Oct 30 18:44:27 MST 2003

JR Richardson wrote:

> I’m trying to get the total Linux/* installation size as small as 
> possible.  I’m wondering if anyone has looked at the installed packages 
> list from the Redhat installation [rpm –qa] and has parsed out all 
> packages not needed for * to run.  I follow the custom install guide 
> from Andy Powell but the installation yields 948+ Meg with 340 installed 
> packages.  I’m sure most of those packages can be eliminated.
> If the installation can be reduced to below, say 600 Meg, then there’s 
> an opportunity to harden * into a KNOPPIX Customization.
> BTW, has anyone already tried to produce a KNOPPIX * Customization?

Wierd that I had actually started to just think about this earlier 
today... :)

Unfortunately this is going to be nothing that I can do to help at this 
point.. I am really quite budgeted for time, and I can barely work on 
the other things I have somewhat commited to.

I'll be so glad when I'm back in school, and hopefully have some more 
time to work on this kind of stuff.

Keep me posted, I have a couple of idea's that this could be useful for 
(if anything, just what the minimum packages are for a RH install)


|Leif Madsen - http://www.hacklocalhost.com|
|    @| leif at hacklocalhost dot com      |
|  SMS| sms at hacklocalhost dot com       |
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