[Asterisk-Users] A software FAX modem

marrandy marrandy at chaossolutions.org
Fri Oct 24 14:00:50 MST 2003

On Friday 24 October 2003 03:19 pm, Dave Cotton wrote:

> Unfortunately you broke the thread with your second post, so your
> message did not appear in the thread. That's why Steve C and I are so
> ready to jump on bad posting. :)
> -- 
> Dave Cotton <dcotton at linuxautrement.com>

Dave  :-)

That was only because there is a significant delay, several minutes, between 
posting and receiving the mail to this list.  
I noticed the error very shortly after posting and couldn't wait for it to 
arrive to correct myself.  Other things to do.  :-)

One man's constant is another man's variable.
		-- A.J. Perlis

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