[Asterisk-Users] BudgeTone-102 MWI&CID with Asterisk

Stephen R. Besch sbesch at acsu.buffalo.edu
Fri Oct 10 10:51:39 MST 2003

Dave Weis wrote:

>On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, noc wrote:
>>1) Does the message waiting indicator on the BudgeTone's work with
>Yes, stutter dialtone and flashing display. You can also program the 
>message button to dial your VM extension.
>>2) The one line 12-digit LDC concerns me a bit.  Is the LCD able to
>>display both the CID number and name on the LDC?  How does that work,
>>does it toogle between the two?  I know the BudgeTone-102D has a 2 line
>>LCD, but I don't believe the 102D is available yet.
>Number only.
In fact, if you send it any characters in the CID field, it displays 
only "E r" (for Error, apparently)

Stephen Besch

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