[Asterisk-Users] Does gnophone 0.2.5 work? Other god sftphones?

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 2 18:30:17 MST 2003

I checked out gnophone from CVS and I'm trying to build it.
I got as far as getting a ./configure built and that to
build the makefiles and then I find compile poblems in the source.
Leads me to thing maybe 0.2.5 is still a work in progress.

One more question.  What software phones are people likeing
for Linux/w2k/Solaris  I want to build a voip-only system
and of course need good quality softphones

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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