Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

daryl at daryl at
Thu Nov 20 15:53:08 MST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: asterisk-users-admin at 
> [mailto:asterisk-users-admin at] On Behalf Of 
> Chris Albertson
> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 1:38 PM
> To: asterisk-users at
> Subject: Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] 
> Asterisk Business discussion again)
> Some problems with the below:  Who would post to a "newbies" 
> list? Why would anyone want to ask other newbies a question?

Why do engineers and other experienced people hang out in #help on
Efnet?  To help newbies.

> WHat is non-tech and how is this different fore "biz".

I have no idea what non-tech should be for.  But Biz is an important
distinction.  There are definitely business functions...mostly making it
work like X PBX or y KSU....that can best be answered by people who are
doing installs or maintaing business type installs.

Does it needs to be a separate list?  Maybe.  Let's see if it flies.



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