[Asterisk-Users] TCP/UDP Ports used by Asterisk

Gary gary at ausmail.com
Sat May 24 09:05:01 MST 2003

from experience...

the SIP is using asterisk as a proxy, so therefore is wont/cant

On Sat, 24 May 2003 18:54:34 +0300, Dan wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have my Asterisk behind a NAT router, but now it is configured to put that specific computer in DMZ (directly exposed to Internet).
>I intend to disable this and to open just the used ports.
>There is a list of TCP/UDP ports usd by Asterisk in order to connect to the outside world?
>One more question: When a call is established between an internal SIP phone (in LAN) and a phone from another place outside my router/firewall, using both the same codec (no conversion)... the call is still routed through  the PBX or the PBX is used only for signaling and then a direct connection between the two phones is established?
>I ask this because if the audio stream is passed through the PBX then there is no need to open other ports on the firewall for the internal phones.


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