[Asterisk-Users] libpri and zap lib

Charles E. Youse beef at nexuslabs.com
Thu May 22 11:59:26 MST 2003

I can't speak to much of what you're talking about here, but
/dev/zap/channel is a pseudo-device of sorts- you can open this device and
then use an ioctl() to select which channel you actually want to
communicate with.


fd =3D open("/dev/zap/1");

is equivalent to

fd =3D open("/dev/zap/channel");
ioctl(fd, select-channel-1);

Hope this helps,

On Thu, 22 May 2003, Wu Jiang wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have some questions about the libpri and zap lib. I've sent mail to Mar=
k for help. Also I wonder whether anyone else would be interested and helpf=
ul in them.
> I'm going to migrate a program to Wildcard E400P card. Our original progr=
am is based on C API similar to the functions provided in libpri.h and zap.=
h, so I want to use the E400P card in the following way:
> 1. install and make zapata, zaptel, libpri
> 2. load the modules:
>     modprobe zaptel
>     modprobe tor2
> 3. edit the /etc/zaptel.conf, the run zaptel/ztcfg to configure the modul=
> 4. run my program
> My program will do the followings:
> 1. open D-channel /dev/zap/16 , /dev/zap/48 and run pri routine on it:
>     dfd1 =3D open("/dev/zap/16", O_RDWR);
>     dfd2 =3D open("/dev/zap/48", O_RDWR);
>     pri1 =3D pri_new(dfd1, node, swtype);
>     pri2 =3D pri_new(dfd2, node, swtype);
>     /* check and handle the ISDN events on pri1, pri2 as shown in pritest=
> 2.detect DTMF, play audio file, bridge channels, disconnect channels with=
 zap functions:
>     zap_getdtmf();        /* check DTMF*/
>     zap_playf();          /* play audio file*/
>     zap_conf();           /* bridge 2 channels*/
>     zap_clearlinks();     /* disconnect bridged channels*/
> Is the above a feasible way?
> In the Asterisk code,  the /dev/zap/channel is used for all ISDN D-channe=
ls. I haven't understood it clearly. Could you please explain its usage?
> Thanks a lot,
> James

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