[Asterisk-Users] DTMF tones not recognized...

Carlos Crembil ccrembil at openware.biz
Wed Mar 26 07:47:49 MST 2003

Hi, I'll clarify you the case.

Asterisk with the older versions of PWLib, Openh323, and H323 support
worked fine with my Cisco configuration (I've only rebuilt these libraries
and modules, and not Asterisk). Cisco's configuration is extremely easy:
just an FXS port configured with codec G711a to connect to asterisk when I
dial digit "0".

After the compilations, when I started asterisk again, the problem

Carlos Crembil
Servicios Profesionales
eMail: ccrembil at openware.biz

                    Michael Manousos                                                                                  
                    <manousos at inaccessnetworks.        Para:   asterisk-users at lists.digium.com                        
                    com>                               cc:                                                            
                    Enviado por:                       Asunto:      Re: [Asterisk-Users] DTMF tones not recognized... 
                    asterisk-users-admin at lists.                                                                       
                    26/03/2003 11:02 a.m.                                                                             
                    Por favor, responda a                                                                             

Carlos Crembil wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've a strange problem.
> My scenario is a linux box running asterisk, and a Cisco 800 in the same
> LAN. The system has been working fine, except for an old H323 driver i've
> compiled to asterisk. So, I've rebuilt the pwlib and openh323 libraries
> with a new version (a requisite for the new H323 driver), and I've
> the H323 driver with the new source.
> I didn't change my Cisco configuration. But after that, some strange
> happens: when I pick up my phone connected to Cisco, and dial my asterisk
> configured extension, Cisco connects fine to Asterisk, Asterisk answers
> sends the welcome. But for any reason, it does not recongnize the DTMF
> tones I send with my phone.

CISCO probably sends DTMF inband. If this is the case then
the inband DTMF detection is done inside ASTERISK (dsp.c)
and not in the H.323 channel driver. I have a rather old
snapshot of ASTERISK source (~2 weeks old) and inband DTMF
detection works fine.

If the CISCO doesn't send DTMF inband then this is a
problem of the H.323 channel driver and I 'll have to
check it.

So, check to see how does you CISCO send DTMF.


> PWLib was v1.3.1, now is v1.4.11.
> Openh323 was v1.9.1, now is v1.11.7.
> H323 Support for Asterisk was v0.2, now is v0.5.1.
> Asterisk version is CVS-03/08/03-15:48

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