[Asterisk-Users] SIP Registration

Steve Woolley swoolley at adstelecom.com
Thu Jul 31 13:13:24 MST 2003

I am trying to get SIP registrations to work within Asterisk. From my
snom 200 phone (and on my SJPhone soft client) I can dial via extension.

To Dial extension 1110 on my asterisk1 server:

I can simply enter SIP:1110 at asterisk1 and the call goes through just
like it should.

As I understand it (and I probably don't), once my SIP device has
established communication with the asterisk server, it registers the
device name (in the sip registry) and thus I can dial the phone by

SIP:snom1 at asterisk1

(providing of course snom1 is the context for my sip phone in sip.conf)

In fact I do see the following on the sip console when I make a call
from snom1:

    -- Registered SIP 'snom1' at port 5060 expires 3600
    -- Executing Macro("SIP/snom1-a17d", "oneline|Zap/4") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/snom1-a17d", "Zap/4|20") in new stack
    -- Called 4
    -- Zap/4-1 is ringing
    -- Zap/4-1 is ringing
    -- Zap/4-1 is ringing
    -- Zap/4-1 is ringing

I haven't found much documentation on sip registration in asterisk, but
I kind of assumed that entering "sip show registry" on the console would
show me the registrations, but only the following is returned by this

 asterisk1*CLI> sip show registry
Host                  Username     Refresh State

Anyone have any ideas?

Steve Woolley
ADS Telecom, Inc.
59 Skyline Drive
Suite 1250
Lake Mary, FL  32746
(407)682-6226 x1110

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