[Asterisk-Users] IAX pauses

Brancaleoni Matteo mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Wed Jul 16 14:28:01 MST 2003

Il mer, 2003-07-16 alle 23:04, Jan Rychter ha scritto:
> >>>>> "Matteo" == Brancaleoni Matteo <mbrancaleoni at espia.it> writes:
>  Matteo> turn off jitterbuffer in both servers.  aka jitterbuffer=no in
>  Matteo> iax.conf
>  Matteo> jitterbuffer, unfortunately, is buggy and don't work as
>  Matteo> expected.
> Interesting -- this has indeed helped and the quality is better, too!

yep. jitterbuffer must be fixed in iax(2)

> But doesn't this mean I'm in trouble whenever the network decides to
> order packets around?
no. jitterbuffer isn't used to get the right packet order,
but for assuring that each packet 'hit the phone' at the right
time delta.
Quick example: if my sample size is 20ms , I must receive a 
packet every 20ms, in order to have a good play.
but network isn't perfect , so 2nd packet arrives 22ms, the 3rd
18 ms and so on... jitterbuffer is a buffer used to get
some packets, buffer them and play it at the right delta time,
in our example 20ms. Infact the real name for jitterbuffer
is "Adaptive Voice Playout Buffer" . adaptative means
that the software could increase/decrease the buffer
depending on the delta time of packets. More is the delta
differences, more is the buffer. If the delta diffs reduce,
the buffer shrink .
be aware that a jitterbuffer adds latency, so why is
preferable to have it 'adaptive'.

That's a very *light* and quick explanation , if you wanna
learn more, google with 'Adaptive Voice Playout Buffer' ;)


Matteo Brancaleoni
Espia System Administrator
Email : mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Web   : http://www.espia.it
Phone : +39.02.70633354      - ext 911
IAX(2): guest at - ext 911
        or tel:17005662458   - ext 911                                           

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