[Asterisk-Users] Accurate Billing

marrandy marrandy at chaossolutions.org
Mon Jul 7 04:46:35 MST 2003

On Sunday 06 July 2003 11:07 pm, surajee at infotechs.lk wrote:
> <P>hi everyone,</P>
> <P>I know this issue has been raised many times before, i think still the 
problem remains. When a call is made through a Zap channel, whether it is 
actually made or not (irrespective of whether, engaged, busy, or actually 
answered), asterisk logs it in CDRs as a call made. This makes it impossible 
to do an accurate billing. Has anybody found a way to overcome this problem, 
if yes, please let me/us know.</P>
> <P>Thank you inadvance,</P>
> <P>Surajee</P><br>

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... must drink brandy.
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