[Asterisk-Users] Voicemail2 - auto fill the dialing extension?

Sean Figgins sfiggins at mail.celicas.org
Fri Aug 8 11:55:52 MST 2003

On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Adams, Gavin wrote:

> Also, we decided to go with actual extension numbers on the phones
> instead of usernames per extension. On the Cisco phones, is there a way
> to change the name/number on the top line (white text on black) to the
> user's name, while having the extension number next to each presentation
> (line1, line2, etc)?

I can't answer the voicemail question, but this one I can.  The config
file for the phone can include the following line:

phone_label: "User's Name ext. 1234"

This will cause the text in quotes to appear in the black bar.

The line labels are a little bit of a problem.  The Cisco phones actually
try to authenticate with the text that is in there.  The cisco config

line1_name: "Line 1"

This displays "Line 1" on the phone, but also tried to login to the proxy
as "Line 1 at proxy".  Using other SIP proxies, you can do this with the auth
name/password, but with Asterisk...  It jsut doesn't seem to work.

There may be a work-around for this, I've only been looking at this for a


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