[asterisk-ss7] No presentation number over ss7

peterpet peterpet at mail.ru
Thu Feb 25 09:21:10 CST 2010

Yes, Yes, Yes
Now everithink is ok.
Thank you..... :)

Gustavo Marsico, tell me your address , i will send you a gift ;)

Gustavo Marsico wrote:
> Peter:
> Some MSC's checks the Screening Indicator, defined in ITU Q.763 3.10f. 
> I've seen several times that callerid is not shown or the call is 
> dropped if you don't sent this field to 3. My guess is that changing 
> that value could work, but always might be a B side problem, because 
> you Calling Party Number looks good.
> As defined in Attila's chan_dahdi:
>                         isup_set_calling(p->ss7call, l ? (l + 
> calling_nai_strip) : NULL, ss7_calling_nai,
>                                 p->use_callingpres ? 
> cid_pres2ss7pres(ast->cid.cid_pres) : (l ? SS7_PRESENTATION_ALLOWED : 
>                                 p->use_callingpres ? 
> cid_pres2ss7screen(ast->cid.cid_pres) : SS7_SCREENING_USER_PROVIDED );
> So it seems that using:
> Set(CALLERPRES()=allowed) 
> It should work.
> Hope this helps.
> Gustavo
> On 25 Feb 2010, at 12:43, peterpet wrote:
>> hi everyone,
>> I have 4 interconnections with ss7(libss7).
>> In this case everithink is ok.
>> 4-th last operator with connection is ok.
>> But after if i call to operator ext , there is no screening number.
>> This is outgoing side, from me to Telco.
>> If call is from Telco to me , everithing is ok.
>> This is my configuration
>> chan_dahdi.conf
>> language=en
>> context=from-mobile
>> switchtype=euroisdn
>> echocancel=yes
>> echocancelwhenbridged=yes
>> group=4
>> ss7type = itu
>> ss7_called_nai=national
>> ss7_calling_nai=national
>> ss7_internationalprefix=00
>> ss7_nationalprefix=0
>> linkset = 4
>> pointcode = 1111
>> adjpointcode = 2222
>> defaultdpc = 2222
>> networkindicator=national
>> cicbeginswith = 1
>> channel = 94-108
>> cicbeginswith = 17
>> channel = 110-124
>> sigchan = 109
>> extensions.ael
>> context from-mobile {
>>        includes {
>>                check_dial;
>>        };
>>        _052XXXXXX => {
>>                Set(from_trunk="globul_mobile_trunk");
>>                Set(to_trunk="interbild_varna_trunk");
>>                NoOp("Idvam ot GLOBUL-MOBILNA MREJA");
>>                goto check_dial|${EXTEN}|1;
>>        };
>> }
>> context from-sip {
>>        includes {
>>                check_dial;
>>        };
>>           _X. => {
>>                if("${EXTEN:0:2}" = "46") {
>>                        goto check_dial|52${EXTEN}|1;
>>                };
>>                goto check_dial|${EXTEN}|1;
>>        };
>> }
>> context check_dial {
>>            _089XXXXXXX => {
>>                Set(from_trunk="varna_trunk");
>>                Set(to_trunk="mobile_trunk");
>>                &cdrs(${CALLERID(num)},${EXTEN},${from_trunk},${to_trunk});
>>                Dial(DAHDI/g4/${EXTEN:1});
>>                NoOp(Hangup_prichina=${HANGUPCAUSE});
>>                NoOp(dialstatus=${DIALSTATUS});
>>                Hangup();
>>        };
>> I've tried call from 52461234 to 895442186.......
>> [0] MSU-fix*CLI>
>> [ 9f 9b 20 ]
>>        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
>>        [ 85 ]
>>        OPC 1111 DPC 2222 SLS 1
>>        [ 0a 07 0e 15 ]
>>                CIC: 1
>>                [ 01 00 ]
>>                Message Type: IAM
>>                [ 01 ]
>>                --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[4]--
>>                Nature of Connection Indicator:
>>                        Satellites in connection: 0
>>                        Continuity Check: Check not required (0)
>>                        Outgoing half echo control device: not 
>> included (0)
>>                        [ 00 ]
>>                Forward Call Indicators:
>>                        Nat/Intl Call Ind: call to be treated as a
>> national call (0)
>>                        End to End Method Ind: no end-to-end method(s)
>> available (0)
>>                        Interworking Ind: no interworking encountered (0)
>>                        End to End Info Ind: no end-to-end information
>> available (0)
>>                        ISDN User Part Ind: ISDN user part used all the
>> way (1)
>>                        ISDN User Part Pref Ind: ISDN user part not
>> preferred all the way (1)
>>                        ISDN Access Ind: originating access ISDN (1)
>>                        SCCP Method Ind: no indication (0)
>>                        P-M bits(0) P: 0 O: 0 N: 0 M: 0
>>                        [ 60 01 ]
>>                Calling Party's Category:
>>                        Category: Ordinary calling subscriber (10)
>>                        [ 0a ]
>>                Transmission Medium Requirements:
>>                        Speech (0)
>>                        [ 00 ]
>>                --VARIABLE LENGTH PARMS[1]--
>>                Called Party Number:
>>                        Nature of address: 3
>>                        NI: 0
>>                        Numbering plan: 1
>>                        Address signals: 895442186#
>>                        [ 07 03 10 98 45 24 81 f6 ]
>>                --OPTIONAL PARMS--
>>                Calling Party Number:
>>                        Nature of address: 3
>>                        NI: 0
>>                        Numbering plan: 1
>>                        Presentation: 0
>>                        Screening: 0
>>                        Address signals: 52461234
>>                        [ 0a 06 03 10 25 64 21 43 ]
>> Len = 14 [ 9b a0 0b 85 38 94 c2 11 01 00 06 02 34 00 ]
>> FSN: 32 FIB 1
>> BSN: 27 BIB 1
>> <[0] MSU
>> [ 9b a0 0b ]
>>        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
>>        [ 85 ]
>>        OPC 1111 DPC 2222 SLS 1
>>        [ 38 94 c2 11 ]
>>                CIC: 1
>>                [ 01 00 ]
>>                Message Type: ACM
>>                [ 06 ]
>>                --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[1]--
>>                Backward Call Indicator:
>>                        Charge indicator: 2
>>                        Called party's status indicator: 0
>>                        Called party's category indicator: 0
>>                        End to End method indicator: 0
>>                        Interworking indicator: 0
>>                        End to End information indicator: 0
>>                        ISDN user part indicator: 1
>>                        Holding indicator: 0
>>                        ISDN access indicator: 1
>>                        Echo control device indicator: 1
>>                        SCCP method indicator: 0
>>                        [ 02 34 ]
>>    -- DAHDI/94-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/52461234-00000009
>> Len = 21 [ 9b a1 12 85 38 94 c2 11 01 00 2c 01 01 11 02 16 34 29 01 
>> 01 00 ]
>> FSN: 33 FIB 1
>> BSN: 27 BIB 1
>> <[0] MSU
>> [ 9b a1 12 ]
>>        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
>>        [ 85 ]
>>        OPC 1111 DPC 2222 SLS 1
>>        [ 38 94 c2 11 ]
>>                CIC: 1
>>                [ 01 00 ]
>>                Message Type: CPG
>>                [ 2c ]
>>                --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[1]--
>>                Event Information:
>>                        ALERTING
>>                        [ 01 ]
>>                --OPTIONAL PARMS--
>>                Backward Call Indicator:
>>                        Charge indicator: 2
>>                        Called party's status indicator: 1
>>                        Called party's category indicator: 1
>>                        End to End method indicator: 0
>>                        Interworking indicator: 0
>>                        End to End information indicator: 0
>>                        ISDN user part indicator: 1
>>                        Holding indicator: 0
>>                        ISDN access indicator: 1
>>                        Echo control device indicator: 1
>>                        SCCP method indicator: 0
>>                        [ 11 02 16 34 ]
>>                Optional Backward Call Indicator:
>>                        In-band information indicator: 1
>>                        Call diversion may occur indicator: 0
>>                        Simple segmentation indicator: 0
>>                        MLPP user indicator: 0
>>                        [ 29 01 01 ]
>>    -- DAHDI/94-1 is ringing
>> Call is ok, but no screening.????
>> -- 
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