[asterisk-ss7] Help with libss7 configuration

Mark Wilkinson mark.wilkinson at 2pmtech.com
Thu Jul 10 02:23:33 CDT 2008

Hi Matthew,

I've just tested the latest svn version with 'mtp2' instead of 'dchan' 
and my looped back linksets
come up without any problems.

Mark Wilkinson.

Matthew Fredrickson wrote:
> TCB wrote:
>> I could not get C7 to get up with mtp2= on dahdi, works fine with the
>> good ol' dchan. Feel free to try.
> Just to let you guys know, I just fixed a bug that another developer 
> introduced into the mtp2 code in DAHDI last night.  If you update your 
> DAHDI version to something newere, it should work now.
> Matthew Fredrickson
>> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Mark Wilkinson
>> <mark.wilkinson at 2pmtech.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>    I'm looking for some help configuring a system to test Asterisk's SS7
>>> setup.
>>> I want to have one system setup with two linksets and a T1 cross-over cable
>>> between 2
>>> ports on a TE410P (If this will work).
>>> At present, I have the following configured :-
>>> OS: CentOS 5
>>> LibPRI, LibSS7, Dahdi, Asterisk : All from svn trunk
>>> I'm pretty sure I have the dahdi config setup correctly, as ports are shown
>>> as up and OK, but
>>> I think I have a problem with the ss7 configuration as the linksets remain
>>> down.
>>> Can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me if it's even possible
>>> to set up Asterisk & SS7
>>> like this ?
>>> Thanks In Advance
>>> Mark.
>>> Current config files are as follows :-
>>> /etc/dahdi/system.conf
>>> oadzone=uk
>>> defaultzone=uk
>>> span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3
>>> bchan=1-15,17-31
>>> mtp2=16
>>> span=2,0,0,ccs,hdb3
>>> bchan=32-46,48-62
>>> mtp2=47
>>> /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
>>> [trunkgroups]
>>> [channels]
>>> switchtype=euroisdn
>>> usecallerid=yes
>>> callwaiting=yes
>>> usecallingpres=yes
>>> callwaitingcallerid=yes
>>> threewaycalling=yes
>>> transfer=yes
>>> canpark=yes
>>> cancallforward=yes
>>> callreturn=yes
>>> echocancel=yes
>>> echocancelwhenbridged=yes
>>> group=1
>>> callgroup=1
>>> pickupgroup=1
>>> signalling = ss7
>>> ss7type = itu
>>> ss7_called_nai=dynamic
>>> ss7_calling_nai=dynamic
>>> networkindicator=international
>>> ; port 1
>>> linkset = 1
>>> group = 1
>>> signalling=ss7
>>> ss7type = itu
>>> context = default
>>> pointcode = 2
>>> adjpointcode = 1
>>> defaultdpc = 1
>>> networkindicator = international
>>> cicbeginswith = 1
>>> channel => 1-15
>>> cicbeginswith = 17
>>> channel => 17-31
>>> sigchan = 16
>>> ; Port 2
>>> linkset = 2
>>> group = 2
>>> signalling = ss7
>>> ss7type = itu
>>> context = default
>>> pointcode = 1
>>> adjpointcode = 2
>>> defaultdpc = 2
>>> networkindicator = international
>>> cicbeginswith = 1
>>> channel = 31-46
>>> cicbeginswith = 17
>>> channel = 48-62
>>> sigchan = 47
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