[asterisk-ss7] libss7 seem to work upto MTP-3 layer, but not receiving any calls

umar tarar umar.tarar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 23:21:06 MST 2006

well, they dont seem to be giving, (they think this problem has something to
do with the asterisk+libss7 & they dont know abt these two), but in my guess
there is something to do with the channels i.e. CICs, i m yet trying to get
CICs somehow from them, from IAM thorough a protocol analyzer may be.
besides this all, even i m not yet able to up the link with chan_ss7 as
well, it works upto recieving IAM but possibly is not able to send back the
ACM or ANM that is why no calls are received & the caller finds the line as
busy (congestion).

so what can you or anyone suggest me
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