[asterisk-speech-rec] Help With Lumenvox

Stephen Keller StephenKeller at LumenVox.com
Fri Oct 10 14:14:22 CDT 2008

> I'm running Asterisk on trixbox. SpeechBackground doesn't return nothing, The apllication wait for a voice on SpeechBackground , i speak on phone but the console didn't show anything.

If you wait 15 seconds -- the SpeechBackground timeout -- does it ever return?

>> Are you able to run either of our two simple tests at http://www.lumenvox.com/help/speechEngineAsterisk/installation/testing-installation.htm ?

> The firs test ( make test) sucessfull run, but  lumenvox-asterisk test not work.

Does the lumenvox-asterisk test, the [lumenvox-test] dialplan in the help file, exhibit exactly the same behavior? Does it ever return?

One thing that can cause problems is if you speak IMMEDIATELY as soon as the prompt in SpeechBackground starts playing. You need to give the Speech Engine about 250-500 ms to initialize some background noise detection stuff before you can barge in. This is almost never a problem in production (callers generally listen to the prompt at least that long) but in testing overzealous developers who know the prompt have a tendency to do this.


Stephen Keller
Project Manager
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