[asterisk-speech-rec] Yes no example not working

Dylan Humphreys dylanjh at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 20 16:01:16 CDT 2007

Hey everyone.
Ive got Fedora 7 running asterisk 1.4.3 (free version) with lumenvox 7.5 
(the try-it-and-see dev version), connecter etc.. etc..
Im trying to get the example going thats featured on this page : 
It loads the grammar, beeps when it should, but just doesnt recognise 
ANYTHING I say. the only way to get it to do anything is to send a "#" then 
of course it just returns nothing. Ive compiled the example program and run 
it and get results scrolling up the screen (you know the one: "count=0, 
decode returns 10
Interpretation 1:
8587070707" )
In an attempt to get some logging of some description ive set 
save_sound_files=yes in lumenvox.conf, but running it with this on normally 
results in a segmentation fault. any pointers would be greatly appreciated

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