[Asterisk-Security] Opportunistic encryption

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Fri Jul 21 11:15:39 MST 2006

>On Tuesday 18 July 2006 16:36, John Todd wrote:
>>  I also understand that there has at least been some discussion with
>>  Phil Zimmerman about ZRTP inclusion into Asterisk, though I don't
>>  know who (if anyone) at Digium has been talking with him about it
>>  (though I've brought it up enough with him to start looking like a
>>  pest.)
>Funny, I just reread your email and realized that I did not get it the first
>time (that you already were "pestering" him). I saw you wondering who had
>been talking to him, and I just realized I had not followed up as I intended.
>Well how's that  for redundant! Hehe...
>Steve Szmidt
>"To enjoy the right of political self-government, men must be
>capable of personal self-government - the virtue of self-control.
>A people without decency cannot be secure in its liberty.
>			From the Declaration Principles

Feel free to discuss this with him and/or others that may be able to 
work on the project to make it happen.  Like any open-source package, 
anyone who makes the code will make it happen.  However, enough 
people asking the same question to a person who has the capability 
for the code will often convince them that there is actually a 
community interest and incite them to action...


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