[asterisk-r2] Fwd: Delay - Outgoing calls

Aleks Honma aleks.honma at gmail.com
Wed May 25 08:34:35 CDT 2016

Hello R2 Specialists,

 I have been struggling for some time trying to find the source for the
delay in initiating an OUTBOUND call.

 The first question is what is a reasonable (normal) wait time between the
last digit dialed and the first ring in Asterisk with an E1 setup for an
outbound call?

 My call takes beyond 8 seconds to connect. Just for ref. same link with
old legacy Siemens PBX was almost instant.

My setup:
- Country: Brazil
- Telco: Embratel
- Link type: E1 R2 (CAS)
- Freepbx 13, Asterisk 13.8.2

Implementation scenario:
Embratel E1 <-> Freepbx (Digium TE235 -2 span E1)

 I "see" time counting at this stage below, here alone we have about 5
seconds of wait time.

[2016-05-20 13:06:01] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:3892
dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 23 - Sending DNIS digit 5
[2016-05-20 13:06:01] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:3892
dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 23 - Group A DNIS request handled
[2016-05-20 13:06:01] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:3892
dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 23 - No more DNIS. Doing nothing, waiting for
[2016-05-20 13:06:01] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:3892
dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 23 - Group A DNIS request handled
[2016-05-20 13:06:04] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:3892
dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 23 - Sending category National Subscriber
[2016-05-20 13:06:05] DEBUG[22751][C-0000005b]: chan_dahdi.c:4648
dahdi_ec_enable: Enabled echo cancellation on channel 23
MFC/R2 call has been accepted on forward channel 23
    -- DAHDI/23-1 is ringing
[2016-05-20 13:06:05] DEBUG[1968]: devicestate.c:474 do_state_change:
Changing state for DAHDI/23 - state 6 (Ringing)
[2016-05-20 13:06:05] DEBUG[1968]: devicestate.c:474 do_state_change:
Changing state for PJSIP/820 - state 2 (In use)

 I understand that people usually have delays with broken dialplans, but in
this case it seems that we have gone by all that pretty fast and the
trouble as above is from the trunk forward.

 Any one could share a tip for me to follow?

Many thanks in advance,
Aleks Honma
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