[asterisk-r2] Problem Sending call PBX(nortel) --- asterisk -- TELCO

Gerardo Barajas gerardo.barajas at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 09:14:25 CST 2012

It looks like a dialplan (context) issue.

Ing. Gerardo Barajas Puente

Ingeniería | www.neocenter.com
T:+52 (55)  8590-9000 x 7003

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Mc GRATH Ricardo <mcgrathr at mail2web.com> wrote:
> Hi Carlos
> I think problem it becomes from dialplan, it will help to debug form
> Asterisk when call is made, just one thing try to get Asterisk debug with
> minimal traffic resources.
> By the way you can set from Elastix CLI core set debug mode no needed to
> restart with asterisk -vvr!!:D option.
> best regards
> Mc GRATH Ricardo
> E-Mail mcgrathr at mail2web.com
> ________________________________
> From: asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com
> [asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Carlos Rodriguez Alcala
> [carlos.rav at gmail.com]
> Sent: 22 February 2012 11:50
> To: asterisk-r2 at lists.digium.com
> Subject: Re: [asterisk-r2] Problem Sending call PBX(nortel) --- asterisk --
> Ok I will set asterisk -vvvr !! :D
> For now there´s no way, I´ll ask for PBX tech, But If I connect directly
> TELCO-PBX works well.
> 2012/2/22 Mc GRATH Ricardo <mcgrathr at mail2web.com>
>> Thanks
>> Well how about to set core set verbose 3 to see what's  going on when call
>> is performing?
>> No way to get a trace from Nortel?
>> Mc GRATH Ricardo
>> E-Mail mcgrathr at mail2web.com
>> ________________________________
>> From: asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com
>> [asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Carlos Rodriguez Alcala
>> [carlos.rav at gmail.com]
>> Sent: 22 February 2012 11:08
>> To: asterisk-r2 at lists.digium.com
>> Subject: Re: [asterisk-r2] Problem Sending call PBX(nortel) --- asterisk
>> -- TELCO
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> I have a digium card with 2 E1, I want to record the calls, so I have  PBX
>> ----E1 ----Elastix-----E1 ---- TELCO.
>> As you can see in my chan_dahdi.conf:
>> context= salida
>> and
>> extensions.conf
>> [salida]
>> exten => .,1,Answer
>> exten => .,2,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m-%d--%H\:%M\:%S)})
>> exten =>
>> .,3,MixMonitor(E_${calltime}_from_${CALLERID(num)}to__${EXTEN}.wav)
>> exten => .,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN})
>> exten => h,1,Hangup
>> 2012/2/22 Mc GRATH Ricardo <mcgrathr at mail2web.com>
>>> Hi
>>> What kind of connection you have between PBX (nortel) to Asterisk?
>>> If a E1 could you get a trace from Nortel to Asterisk?
>>> It probably you have to review your dialplan for call rerouting from
>>> external device via Asterisk, it will help to get trace from external device
>>> from Asterisk to let you know the call disconnection cause.
>>> Best regards
>>> Mc GRATH Ricardo
>>> E-Mail mcgrathr at mail2web.com
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com
>>> [asterisk-r2-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of omar ivan perez vargas
>>> [o_i_p_v at hotmail.com]
>>> Sent: 22 February 2012 09:40
>>> To: asterisk-r2 at lists.digium.com
>>> Subject: Re: [asterisk-r2] Problem Sending call PBX(nortel) --- asterisk
>>> -- TELCO
>>> Q mas...
>>> y puedes llamar de la PBX a un softphone?
>>> y puedes llamar de la TELCO a un softphone?
>>> Si es asi me imagino q dentro del asterisk para cada uno tienes creado
>>> una TRONCAL y ademas has de tener para cada uno una ruta de entrada.
>>> tambien has de tener una ruta de salida a cada uno, evidentemente cada
>>> uno a de manejar extensiones con numeraciones diferentes...
>>> Ej
>>> TELCO con numeracion 2XXX
>>> PBX con numeracion 3XXX
>>> en la ruta de salida le dices q las marcaciones a:
>>> TELCO las permita solo a 2XXX
>>> PBX las permita solo a 3XXX
>>> Hasta aca los softphone pueden llamar
>>> Ahora dentro del elastix tienes q crear en la opion
>>> Misc Destination
>>> Description:
>>> 2XXX
>>> Dial:
>>> 2XXX
>>> despues le das sumit
>>> lo mismo para la TELCO
>>> Misc Destination
>>> Description:
>>> 3XXX
>>> Dial:
>>> 3XXX
>>> despues le das sumit
>>> Esa seria la forma grafica, porq tambien lo puedes hacer por comandos en
>>> el archivo extension_custom
>>> colocando algo como:
>>> exten=>_2XXX,1,Dial(TRONCAL-TELCO/${EXTEN})
>>> exten=>_2XXX,N,Hangup
>>> exten=>_3XXX,1,Dial(TRONCAL-PBX/${EXTEN})
>>> exten=>_3XXX,N,Hangup
>>> OP
>>> ________________________________
>>> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 09:16:49 -0300
>>> From: carlos.rav at gmail.com
>>> To: asterisk-r2 at lists.digium.com
>>> Subject: [asterisk-r2] Problem Sending call PBX(nortel) --- asterisk --
>>> Hola/Hi all,
>>> I´m tryng to configure this : TELCO(named COPACO from
>>> Paraguay)---asterisk(elastix)--- PBX(Nortel)
>>> I can make calls:
>>>  - from TELCO to PBX
>>>  - from a sipphone to TELCO (through E1)
>>>  - from a sipphone to PBX (through de second E1)
>>> My problem:
>>> - I can´t make call from PBX to TELCO  :(
>>> Can someone help me?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> (I really look at google or the before writte here!!!)
>>> mis config files son:
>>> #####################
>>> chan_dahdi.conf
>>> ; Auto-generated by /usr/sbin/hardware_detector
>>> [trunkgroups]
>>> [channels]
>>> language=es
>>> context=entrada
>>> signalling=fxs_ks
>>> rxwink=300              ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks
>>> usecallerid=yes
>>> hidecallerid=no
>>> callerid=asreceived
>>> callwaiting=yes
>>> usecallingpres=yes
>>> callwaitingcallerid=yes
>>> threewaycalling=yes
>>> transfer=yes
>>> canpark=yes
>>> cancallforward=yes
>>> callreturn=yes
>>> echocancel=yes
>>> echocancelwhenbridged=no
>>> faxdetect=incoming
>>> echotraining=800
>>> rxgain=0.0
>>> txgain=0.0
>>> callgroup=1
>>> pickupgroup=1
>>> #include dahdi-channels.conf
>>> #include chan_dahdi_additional.conf
>>> #################
>>> dahdi-channels.conf
>>> ; Span 1: TE2/0/1 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" (MASTER)
>>> group=1
>>> context=entrada
>>> ;switchtype = euroisdn
>>> signalling =mfcr2
>>> mfcr2_variant=itu
>>> mfcr2_get_ani_first=no
>>> mfcr2_max_ani=10
>>> mfcr2_max_dnis=4
>>> mfcr2_category=national_subscriber
>>> mfcr2_logdir=span1
>>> mfcr2_call_files=yes
>>> mfcr2_logging=all
>>> mfcr2_mfback_timeout=-1
>>> mfcr2_metering_pulse_timeout=-1
>>> mfcr2_allow_collect_calls=yes
>>> mfcr2_double_answer=no
>>> mfcr2_forced_release=no
>>> mfcr2_charge_calls=yes
>>> channel => 1-15,17-31
>>> context = default
>>> ; Span 2: TE2/0/2 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2"
>>> mfcr2_skip_category=yes
>>> group=2
>>> ;switchtype = euroisdn
>>> signalling =mfcr2
>>> mfcr2_variant=itu
>>> mfcr2_get_ani_first=no
>>> mfcr2_max_ani=4
>>> mfcr2_max_dnis=7
>>> callerid=asreceived
>>> mfcr2_category=national_priority_subscribe
>>> mfcr2_logdir=span1
>>> mfcr2_call_files=yes
>>> mfcr2_logging=all
>>> mfcr2_mfback_timeout=-1
>>> mfcr2_metering_pulse_timeout=-1
>>> mfcr2_allow_collect_calls=no
>>> mfcr2_double_answer=no
>>> mfcr2_forced_release=no
>>> mfcr2_charge_calls=yes
>>> mfcr2_skip_category=no
>>> callerid=asreceived
>>> context=salida
>>> channel => 32-46,48-62
>>> extensions.conf
>>> [salida]
>>> exten => .,1,Answer
>>> exten => .,2,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m-%d--%H\:%M\:%S)})
>>> exten =>
>>> .,3,MixMonitor(E_${calltime}_from_${CALLERID(num)}to__${EXTEN}.wav)
>>> exten => .,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN})
>>> exten => h,1,Hangup
>>> [entrada]
>>> exten =>  _XXX,1,Answer
>>> exten =>
>>>  _XXX,n,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m-%d--%H\:%M\:%S)})
>>> exten =>
>>>  _XXX,n,MixMonitor(E_${calltime}_from_${CALLERID(num)}to__${EXTEN}.wav)
>>> exten =>  _XXX,n,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN})
>>> ;para sipphone
>>> exten => _9.,1,Answer
>>> exten =>
>>> _9.,2,set(calltime=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m-%d--%H\:%M\:%S)})
>>> exten
>>> =>_9.,3,MixMonitor(E_${calltime}_from_${CALLERID(num)}to__${EXTEN}.wav)
>>> exten => _9.,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN:1})
>>> Tambien adjunto un log de una llamada al numero de seis digitos 390109
>>> cat chan-33-backward-0-20120221222123.call
>>> [22:21:23:536] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Call started at Tue Feb
>>> 21 22:21:23 2012 on chan 33 [openr2 version 1.3.1, revision exported]
>>> [22:21:23:536] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Initialized R2 MF
>>> detector
>>> [22:21:23:536] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - CAS Tx >> [SEIZE ACK]
>>> 0x0C
>>> [22:21:23:536] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x0D
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 3 [ON]
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 0
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Cannot cancel timer 0
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 3
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 3, expected
>>> length: 7
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:23:779] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 2
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:23:839] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 3 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:23:839] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 9 [ON]
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 2
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 2 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 9
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 39, expected
>>> length: 7
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:23:919] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 3
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:23:999] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 9 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:23:999] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 0 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 3
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 3 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 0
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 390,
>>> expected length: 7
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:079] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 4
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:24:159] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 0 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:159] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 4
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 4 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 1
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 3901,
>>> expected length: 7
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:239] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 5
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:24:319] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:319] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 0 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 5
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 5 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 0
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 39010,
>>> expected length: 7
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:399] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 6
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:24:479] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 0 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:479] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 9 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 6
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 6 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Getting DNIS digit 9
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - DNIS so far: 390109,
>>> expected length: 7
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Requesting next DNIS with
>>> signal 0x31.
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [ON]
>>> [22:21:24:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - scheduled timer id 7
>>> (mf_back_cycle)
>>> [22:21:24:639] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Rx << 9 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:24:639] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF Tx >> 1 [OFF]
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 7
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - timer id 7 found,
>>> cancelling it now
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - calling timer 7
>>> (mf_back_cycle) callback
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - MF back cycle timed out!
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Protocol error. Reason =
>>> Multi Frequency Cycle Timeout, R2 State = Seize ACK Transmitted, MF state =
>>> DNIS Request Transmitted, MF Group = Backward Group A, CAS = 0x00
>>> DNIS = 390109, ANI = , MF = 0x20
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Attempting to cancel
>>> timer timer 0
>>> [22:21:29:559] [Thread: 3073817488] [Chan 33] - Cannot cancel timer 0
>>> --
>>> Atentamente,
>>> Carlos Rodríguez Alcalá Villagra
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>> --
>> Atentamente,
>> Carlos Rodríguez Alcalá Villagra
>> --
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> --
> Atentamente,
> Carlos Rodríguez Alcalá Villagra
> --
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