[asterisk-r2] CAS Signalling

Sunil Kumar sunil at techgroupz.in
Sat Sep 18 14:32:35 CDT 2010

I am trying to set up CAS signalling on my single E1/T1 digium card. I
installed things in the following order

1. libpri-1.4.11
2. dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4
3. openr2-1.3.0.tar
4. asterisk-1.6.2
My system.com is as follows


loadzone = in
defaultzone = in
span = 1,0,0,cas,hdb3
bchan = 1-15,17-31
dchan = 16

when i do a service dahdi restart i get the following error

Unloading DAHDI hardware modules: done
Loading DAHDI hardware modules:
 wct4xxp:                                                   OK
 wcte12xp:                                                  OK
 wct1xxp:                                                   OK
 wcte11xp:                                                  OK
 wctdm24xxp:                                                OK
 wcfxo:                                                     OK
 wctdm:                                                     OK
 wcb4xxp:                                                   OK
 wctc4xxp:                                                  OK
 xpp_usb:                                                   OK

Running dahdi_cfg: DAHDI_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 16: Invalid argument
Selected signaling not supported
Possible causes:
       dchan is being used on a BRI span (use hardhdlc)
       Signaling is being assigned to channel 16 of an E1 CAS span
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