[asterisk-r2] R2 Telefonica Argentina Problem

Moises Silva moises.silva at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 09:45:22 CST 2009

I don't even remember what the original problem was, I seem to remember you
said seize ack was not sent in time. If that were the case the call would be
hangup right away, not even transmission of DNIS/ANI would have started.

The first log fails an incoming call with:

[10:41:16:787] [Thread: 3084667792] [Chan 8] - Protocol error. Reason =
Multi Frequency Cycle Timeout, R2 State = Seize ACK Transmitted, MF state =
ANI Request Transmitted, MF Group = Backward Group A, CAS = 0x00

The MF state is ANI Request Transmitted, which means we requested the next
ANI digit but got nothing. Try reducing mfcr2_max_ani to 4, since it seems
they gave us 4 digits and failed to reply to the fifth.

The 2th log is a successful call, but the Asterisk side decides to hangup, I
cannot tell why given that this is just an openr2 log, not an Asterisk log.

Pretty much the same for the last log, outgoing call, we see metering pulse
then Asterisk decides to hangup, but the openr2 log shows no detail about

Moises Silva
Software Developer
Sangoma Technologies Inc. | 50 McIntosh Drive, Suite 120, Markham ON L3R 9T3
t. 1 905 474 1990 x 128 | e. moy at sangoma.com
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