[asterisk-r2] High CPU Wrong CallerID

Luc Moreira lmoreira at dxbrasil.net
Thu May 7 11:36:56 CDT 2009

Moises Silva escreveu:
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Luc Moreira <lmoreira at dxbrasil.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Callcenter with 4 E1 (2 telco and 2 legacy PBX), with about 35
>> agents distributed in 4 queues. The server is a HP ML110 G5 (Core2Duo +
>> RAM2gb + HD160GB).
>> The volume of calls is 1000 per day with some daily peaks of up to 40 active
>> calls. In these times of peak, the callerid become weird like 0111122233334
>> or 3222234456 (repeating numbers). Call quality is also decreased.
>> The libopenR2 have problems exchanging bits with telco when the server is
>> overloaded?
> The key problem is the audio. ANI and DNIS are exchanged using audio,
> so, if you get poor audio quality is likely ANI and DNIS is also
> faulty. Once the call is up and running, the audio is not openr2
> responsibility, Asterisk takes complete control over when and how to
> read and write audio to the dahdi device. You should ask in
> asterisk-users for tips about how to solve your audio problem, if your
> audio problem is solved and you still get wrong DNIS/ANI digits, we
> will need logs. Other option is to enable mf_threshold timer (read
> docs/r2proto.conf for details in the openr2 distribution) which will
> cause the openr2 detector to be slower but more tolerant to false
> positives.
Thanks Moy,

You are very right. In fact, High CPU usage decrease audio as I suspected
and ANI DNIS as well. I'll substitute server for one most powerful and 
inform results.


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