[asterisk-r2] Problem patching Asterisk

Pablo Bernasconi bernasconi.pablo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 12:56:16 CDT 2009

About your post:

1. They typically just ask questions in the mailing list *(what is the
pourpouse of the mailing list???)* , never spend time helping other
users *(False,
I´ve spent time in solving other guys problems, not in this mailing list,
becuase I´ve just subscribe it, plus I´m kind of newbie with all this).*
2. They download for free Asterisk and expect it to work out-of-the-box for
their particular (profit) purpose without spending time not even doing their
homework, testing their particular scenarios etc. *(I dont think that)*
3. They bitch about Digium not fixing bugs in the bug-tracker, bugs that
according to them are so damn critical to their business that they not even
put a bounty on the voip-info wiki or in the asterisk-biz mailing list for
someone to fix it.* (I dont think this neither)*
4. They do not download beta releases or release candidates, they just wait
for the “stable” release and again, expect things to magically work for them
to profit. *(I prefer working with stable releases, because I also has
limited time, as Digium and as all the people you said. I have work to do
(like everyone), I have my boss around all day **(like everyone)**, and I
dont have time to test a beta version **(like a lot of people**))*

With all that said, what should I do? Quit my job? Never write to a mailing
list again? Suicide?
I think you know a lot, but it would be a good thing to be nicer and not
generalize. Im making my first steps in here....
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