[asterisk-r2] MFC/R2 protocol error on Safety Timeout

Luis Morales fastonion at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 11:42:20 CDT 2009

Dear R2 team,

We have the next scenary. In my dialplan we have international dialing
over IP carrier. When we route the call on the carrier, asterisk show
us the next error:


[Jul 10 11:34:31] ERROR[18354]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 20 - Protocol error. Reason = Forward Safety Timeout, R2 State =
Seize ACK Received, MF state = Waiting Far End Timeout, MF Group =
Forward Group I, CAS = 0x0C
DNIS = 00529988818000, ANI = 5803, MF = 0x20
[Jul 10 11:34:31] ERROR[18354]: chan_dahdi.c:1058
dahdi_r2_on_protocol_error: MFC/R2 protocol error on chan 20: Forward
Safety Timeout
[Jul 10 11:34:31] ERROR[18354]: chan_dahdi.c:1294 dahdi_r2_write_log:
Chan 20 - Cannot disconnect call when we dont have a call to
    -- Hungup 'DAHDI/20-1'


Does any has this error?

- mfrc-r2 variant for venezuela
- asterisk 1.4.23


Luis Morales

Luis Morales
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
"Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de
pronto estarás haciendo lo imposible"

Leonardo Da'Vinci

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