[asterisk-gui] Problem setup/install.htm Again Rev 1146.

Federico Lovison federico.l at tiscali.it
Sat Jul 21 06:41:00 CDT 2007

Hi Mauricio,

do you have "app_system.so" loaded in Asterisk when you try to use the GUI?
I got the same problem, and this was solved loading this module.

However, after solving this issue I got another problem:

the trunk configuration gave me an error, saying that a file was missing (extensions.conf), while that file
was actually in the /etc/asterisk directory.
I tried to comment the "TRUNKMSD=1" at the beginning of the file and.. the wizard was able to complete and the GUI seemed to work fine.

However, it was not working fine as the gui was able to create the extensions and the dialplans correctly, but the trunks were incomplete because for instance the variable "TRUNK_1=SIP/trunk_1" was not set and the dialplan was not working (as it tried to call  "/123456" instead of "SIP/trunk_1/123456").
When I set the "TRUNK_1=SIP/trunk_1" manually.. then the GUI stopped working again, redirecting me to the wizard.

Do you have any idea about how to fix this?

Thank you!!


Maurício Magalhães wrote:
> I just got, the default page, but the buttons are activate but dont 
> work and the page refresh all time and in the middle i only get black 
> space.

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