[asterisk-gui] Disabling #include for GetConfig/UpdateConfig

Steven Sokol ssokol at sokol-associates.com
Tue Dec 26 09:26:23 MST 2006

I've been looking through the code in config.c and I wonder if we
can't either add a new argument (i.e. noinclude) or hijack the
"withcomments" argument to optionally represent a request that the
parser NOT honor the #include directive and simply ignore the

Currently the #include directive often does bad things to GetConfig
and is ignored when UpdateConfig is called, dumping everything back
into the main config file.  I would really like to be able to #include
static boiler-plate config and to separately edit included files.

Does anybody else have any thoughts on this before I prepare a patch?



Steven Sokol
Sokol & Associates, LLC

Asterisk Training:  http://www.sokol-associates.com/
AstriCon 2006: http://www.astricon.net/

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