[Asterisk-doc] I'd like to "Get Involved" :-)

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Wed Mar 29 08:53:58 MST 2006

Leif Madsen wrote:
> Cool -- we have this setup already as well -- have yet to find a good
> WYSISWYG editor though -- do you have any suggestions? So far I've
> been using vim, but I wouldn't mind some sort of GUI editor -- and I'm
> sure others would as well.

I'm curious to hear what WYSIWYG editor people recommend, but if you stick
with vim, take a look at the XML plugin:

I've been trying to learn Docbook for another project, too, recently and 
found Vex:
It looks like it'll be a pretty good Docbook editor, though to me it 
seemed like it wasn't quite there yet. It could be partly my novice 
Docbook skills were part of the problem.

A more mature product is LyX:
It's primarily for LaTeX, but it supposedly has Docbook support too. 
I've just started playing with it, and I haven't figured out the Docbook 
features yet.

The other one I want to evaluate (but haven't yet) is the free version 
of XMLmind's XML Editor:
It's the little brother to a commercial product. From the little I've 
played with it, it seems to be well well written.

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