[asterisk-doc] I am new to asterisk..Please help me..

Randolph Resnick randulo at ssl-mail.com
Wed Jul 12 22:50:54 MST 2006

Hameed, Mian F wrote:
> Provide basics for installing LINUX. (Yes the basics!!!!!)
> Then install asterisk.
> And then have two soft phones communicate.
> Basic trouble shoot
> Some uses of Digium products and how to set those up. Have Digium make
> money too and advertise their product in it, if rules of the game would
> allow.


There are two or three sites that do exactly that.

1) http://automated.it/guidetoasterisk.htm
2) http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/07/03/asterisk.html
3) http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/

As a general answer to this thread "I am new to asterisk...", I got
interested in asterisk through FWD where a few people were talking about
it. As a former ham radio operator (like Jeff Pulver) I was fascinated
by the possibilities though I had no need for a pbx.

<testimonial quality="sincere">
 It was the online original old edition of HHGTA that allowed me to
learn asterisk from nowhere to a sufficient level to use it as our soho
pbx. I was coming from no telephony knowledge, and kludge programming
skills to the point where I got things running and finally am able to
answer newbie questions. The answers to most of them are "Read The Book".

I printed out that book and read it 10 times, each time learning some
new aspect. Sure, I didn't read the hardware part once mine was working,
but I looked at the applications and dialplan sections over and over
until I got things right (well, working at least.)

Like everyone else, I don't have the time to do much for the effort, but
I would certainly proofread new material again, like I did for TFoT. The
efforts of the authors, notwithstanding all the criticism, gave asterisk
a huge boost.

I have met Leif and Jared in person and they both seemed like normal
human beings. If they're geeks, they're geeks like me who actually have
seen the sun and smelled fresh air most days :)

This is the most activity on this list since before the book came out!

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