[Asterisk-doc] rfc2833 and Grandstream

Clif Jones asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Tue, 15 Jun 2004 09:42:44 -0400


Are you implying that you can send ANY of the DTMF formats to asterisk, 
of what is in the sip.conf?  (i.e. send vs. receive)  It has been my 
experience that if the
format specified in the sip.conf doesn't match the DTMF format being 
transmitted by
the phone to asterisk, the DTMF will be ignored.  I wish that Asterisk 
would accept
any DTMF format sent to it, regardless of what DTMF format you want 
Asterisk to
send out.

Olle E. Johansson wrote:

> <snip>
> Remember that the setting in sip.conf is primarily what we *send*,
> not what we *receive*.