[Asterisk-doc] Asterisk Cookbook - a simple gsm file recorder
Randy Resnick
Sat, 12 Jun 2004 12:07:44 +0200
Usual disclaimer - if this is not appropriate or not good enough, just
hit delete :) My own feeling is this collection should at least start
Create a simple way to record 10 different gsm sound files. This is also
a way to test the quality of the connection, since the file is played
back. The recorded files can be used for other dialplans when renamed
and moved to the appropriate directory.
Upon dialing a number between 100 and 109, the user hears recorded
instructions, the number you dialed and a beep. Then, the Record()
application does its thing.
When the user hits the # key, recording is stopped and the file is
played back. After playback, the call is unceremoniously hung up. The
recorded /tmp/recnn.gsm file can be manually moved to the sounds
directory for use by the system.
Suggested improvements:
- add a goodbye sound file before hanging up
- definitely add an AbsoluteTimeout()
- add "auto-move" to sounds
Files modified: extensions.conf
Required files: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/recording_instructions.gsm
*** extensions.conf
RECORDER=_10X ; Make this a variable to change it easily
; The above will allow for a three-digit number between 100 and 109
; Include this context in your dialplan
; Record a gsm voice file to /tmp
; File will be named for the second and third digits
; For example, 103 will be saved as /tmp/rec103.gsm
exten => ${RECORDER},1,Playback(recording_instructions)
exten => ${RECORDER},2,Saydigits(${EXTEN:1:2})
exten => ${RECORDER},3,Setvar(fnumber=${EXTEN:1:2})
exten => ${RECORDER},4,Wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},5,Record(/tmp/rec${fnumber}:gsm)
exten => ${RECORDER},6,Wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},7,Playback(/tmp/rec${fnumber})
exten => ${RECORDER},8,wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},9,Hangup
Variation on the same theme: record a file named from the callerid.
Assuming the recorder is only in an internal extensions context, the
CALLERID will be something like n, nn, nnn, or nnnn.
exten => ${RECORDER},1,Playback(recording_instructions)
exten => ${RECORDER},2,Wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},3,Record(/tmp/caller${CALLERIDNUM}:gsm)
exten => ${RECORDER},4,Wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},5,Playback(/tmp/caller${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => ${RECORDER},6,wait(1)
exten => ${RECORDER},7,Hangup
Suggested improvements:
- add a test to make sure there is an acceptable CALLERIDNUM
- make the file playback automatically without needing to hit #