[Asterisk-doc] docs extensions.xml,1.28,1.29

websmith asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 13:05:12 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21720

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Merge my latest changes after fixing a few conflicts... there are probably
a few errors that got re-inserted here, but I'll try to clean them up later.
Index: extensions.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/extensions.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -C2 -d -r1.28 -r1.29
*** extensions.xml	22 Jul 2004 22:59:18 -0000	1.28
--- extensions.xml	27 Jul 2004 13:05:06 -0000	1.29
*** 348,354 ****
  			by learning about the <function>Background()</function> and 
  			<function>Goto()</function> functions. These two functions will
! 			allows us to create a more functional dialplan.
  			The key to interactive Asterisk systems is the 
--- 348,353 ----
  			by learning about the <function>Background()</function> and 
  			<function>Goto()</function> functions. These two functions will
! 			allow us to create dialplans with much more functionality.
  			The key to interactive Asterisk systems is the 
*** 358,362 ****
  			the extension that corresponds with what the caller dialed.
  			Another very useful application is called 
--- 357,361 ----
  			the extension that corresponds with what the caller dialed.
! <!-- continue editing from here -->
  			Another very useful application is called 
*** 369,380 ****
  			for us to pass the destination context, extension, and priority
  			as arguments to the application, like this:
! 			exten =&gt; <emphasis>extension</emphasis>,<emphasis>priority</emphasis>,Goto(<emphasis>context</emphasis>,<emphasis>extension</emphasis>,<emphasis>priority</emphasis>)
  			In this example, let's assume we've been asked by a local movie
--- 368,379 ----
  			for us to pass the destination context, extension, and priority
  			as arguments to the application, like this:
! 			exten=><emphasis>extension</emphasis>,<emphasis>priority</emphasis>,
! 			Goto(<emphasis>context</emphasis>,<emphasis>extension</emphasis>,
! 			<emphasis>priority</emphasis>)
  			In this example, let's assume we've been asked by a local movie
*** 393,398 ****
  			the information about the movie playing on that particular screen.
- <!-- continue editing from here -->
--- 392,395 ----
*** 430,434 ****
  			identical to our first example.  The difference is the use of
  			the <function>Background()</function> application instead of the
! 			<function>Playback()</function> application.  With <function>Background()</function>
  			we are able to accept digits from the caller while the sound file
  			is being played.  While the <filename>current-movies.gsm</filename> 
--- 427,431 ----
  			identical to our first example.  The difference is the use of
  			the <function>Background()</function> application instead of the
! 			<function>Playback()</function>.  With <function>Background()</function>
  			we are able to accept digits from the caller while the sound file
  			is being played.  While the <filename>current-movies.gsm</filename> 
*** 459,466 ****
  			If the user doesn't press a key before the <function>Background()</function>
! 			function finishes playing the file, the third priority of our 's' extension
! 			will be performed, hanging up the user.  This is perhaps not the best way
! 			to answer the phone, but gives us some fundamentals and gets us thinking about
! 			how we can move the user around our dialplan.
--- 456,463 ----
  			If the user doesn't press a key before the <function>Background()</function>
! 			application finishes playing the file, the third priority of our 's' extension
! 			will be performed, hanging up the user.  This is probably not the best way
! 			to handle incoming calls, but gives us some fundamentals and gets us 
! 			thinking about how we can move the user around our dialplan.