[Asterisk-doc] Web Forums Now Active

Darryl Ross darryl at oeg.com.au
Tue Aug 24 20:59:06 CDT 2004

Steven Critchfield wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 19:02, Darryl Ross wrote:
>>Just because your browser autocompletes the fields for you doesn't mean you have filled out 
>>that form at that website before. (Especially if the forums are using the same software as 
>>another forum you've registered with.)
> Sounds like you are an IE user.

Used to be, not anymore.

Actually, autocomplete is the first thing I turn off anyway. The biggest thing that turned me 
off it was going into my computer wholesaler where they use a 3rd party web interface to access 
credit card details and seeing the drop down box with hundreds of credit card numbers in it. 
Needless to say I don't use my credit card with them any more ...

Anyway, I wasn't offering up my suggestion as the authoritive answer, just something to check. :)

Darryl Ross
Senior Network Engineer
OEG Australia
Email: darryl at oeg.com.au
Phone: 08 81228363
Office: 08 81226361

If you want to live up to the whole "There is more than one way to
     do it" slogan, you have to give someone a swiss army chainsaw ...

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