[asterisk-dev] Asterisk Logger find-replace in log messages

info at asteriskite.com info at asteriskite.com
Tue Jan 17 15:00:14 CST 2017

Greetings! I would like to patch Asterisk Logger facility to include  
the following features.

1. Main purpose is to be able to find and replace sensitive  
information, such as Customer ID, PIN, Credit Card Information etc.  
Thus sensitive data in clear text can be removed prior to writing to  
syslog or console, rather than triggering via a logger rotate or cron  
job with say, sed or awk etc.
2. Create a file named, say, sanitize.conf in /etc/asterisk
3. Make changes to main/logger.c
4. re issue 'make install'
5. start asterisk with root cli verbosity desired
6. Syslog and console should reflect the find-replace as defined in  

1. Sample dialplan
2. Sample sanitize.conf
3. changed main/logger.c - changes are marked by comment with word SANITIZE

Right now, unable to issue commands in *CLI> like 'reload', 'logger  
rotate', 'logger reload'.

It crashes with below output:

Asterisk Ready.
*CLI> logger reload
/var/log/asterisk/sanitizeconf.log Logfile1 PHPAGI_ARGS_REPLACED_
0 (null)
0x2ad5bc0 Logfile pointer[2017-01-17 20:52:53]   == Parsing  
'/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found
[2017-01-17 20:52:53]   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sanitize.conf': Found

Hoping that experts here may find this a useful feature request! And  
also, help me with pointers how to proceed.

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