[asterisk-dev] [Code Review] 4066: stasis_channels.c: Resolve unfinished Dials when doing masquerades (Part 2)

rmudgett reviewboard at asterisk.org
Tue Oct 14 11:24:35 CDT 2014

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(Updated Oct. 14, 2014, 11:24 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for Asterisk Developers.


Committed in revision 425430

Bugs: ASTERISK-24237 and ASTERISK-24394

Repository: Asterisk


Masquerades into and out of channels that are involved in a dial operation don't create the expected dial end event.  The missing dial end event goes against the model for things like CDRs and generating Dial end manager actions and such.


  /branches/12/main/stasis_channels.c 424943 

Diff: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/4066/diff/


There are four cases:
1) A channel masquerades into the caller channel.  The case happens when performing a blonde transfer using the channel driver's protocol.
2) A channel masquerades into a callee channel.  The case happens when performing a directed call pickup.
3) The caller channel masquerades out of dial.  The case happens when using the Bridge application on the caller channel.
4) A callee channel masquerades out of dial.  The case happens when using the Bridge application on a peer channel.

The four cases are now handled as expected from the dial events perspective by this patch.



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