[asterisk-dev] Progress with PGtips

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Wed Apr 24 09:33:03 CDT 2013

24 apr 2013 kl. 15:30 skrev Johan Wilfer <lists at jttech.se>:

> 2013-04-24 13:47, Olle E. Johansson skrev:
>> Hi!
>> As you've seen from some commits, I'm working on improving the SRV support for Asterisk.
>> My branch now successfully handles record sets with mixed IPv4/IPv6 records. When running IPv4,
>> it jumps over the first IPv6 only host and selects the first SRV record with IPv4 support.
>> This doesn't work with a standard Asterisk 1.8. Very few SIP implementations handle this
>> situation when we tested at SIPit. Feels good to have fixed it in Asterisk :-)
>> I'm going to continue with supporting DNS based failover in dial and other SIP requests, now that I
>> have the basics working.
>> Cheers,
>> /O
> Hi Olle!
> That's very cool.
> So the note about the issue with SRV-records in the sample sip.conf for asterisk 1.8 about SRV records will actually be invalidated and implemented correctly?
> "srvlookup=yes
> ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
> ; Note: Asterisk only uses the first host
> ; in SRV records"
> That renders the question - would this be considered to go into released branches 1.8 and forward, considered a bugfix, or not?
> I've disabled srvlookup in my current installations as it did more harm than good. Either way - thanks for working on this!

We never change release branches, so this is aimed for Asterisk 12.

Having said that I am working on a 1.8 version that includes a lot of my work. Teaport and the new testbranch are examples.
Stay tuned.


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