[asterisk-dev] Project Planning Template

Dan Jenkins dan.jenkins at holidayextras.com
Sat Nov 3 08:20:43 CDT 2012

Hi Matt,

Unfortunately I wasn't at AstriDevCon and I'm not entirely sure how you
currently manage the different projects that go into major releases; but we
utilise Jira heavily at my place of work and it seems like you could too
(outside of just making jiras and working on them). Firstly, the wiki page
in Confluence is a great "human readable" overview of what the project is,
what it aims to do, what's going to be involved and so I'd absolutely keep
that; but it seems like you'd want more within Jira itself - for the people
working directly on the project.

Firstly, this process seems like a lot of work (and I wasn't a fan when we
changed over to this), but it really does help and makes the team working
on the project very clear on what needs doing, what the requirements are

When we get a project in, we get a list of requirements with it - this
comes in the form of an "Epic" jira, which has a list of requirements
within it.

We, as developers, break these requirements down into chunks of work called
"stories", each story is a deliverable - this would maybe be a little
different for you, but i can imagine a story would be "construct AMI
events", "construct AGI" and so on. Stories are high level bits of work.

These stories get linked to the Epic as "fulfilled by" in Jira.

Then within each of these stories we break down everything that we need to
do to complete that story. These are called "dev tasks" within our workflow
and are sub tasks to the story within jira.

In the end you should have your Epic (with requirements), Stories which are
linked to the epic (all your stories should complete your requirements) and
then dev tasks which are sub tasks to the stories.

I'm not sure on the limitations of your Jira installation as I know
Atlassian give different plans different functionality.

This would then allow you to make dashboards (if you wanted) for different
projects; allowing people to glance at a project and really understand
where everything is etc.

Like I said at the beginning, you might already be doing all of this within
Jira; but I've had little experience of your workflows within Jira (only
ever submitted bugs).

Am I telling you something you know about already?


Dan Jenkins - Senior Web Developer
email: dan.jenkins at holidayextras.com
twitter: dan_jenkins <http://twitter.com/dan_jenkins>
linkedin: jenkinsdaniel <http://www.linkedin.com/in/jenkinsdaniel>
skype: d-jenkins
blog: www.dan-jenkins.co.uk
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On 3 November 2012 03:01, Matthew Jordan <mjordan at digium.com> wrote:

> Hello all -
> One of the topics discussed at AstriDevCon was how we could, as an open
> source project, better coordinate efforts between developers on major
> projects being developed for Asterisk 12.  One idea that came up was to
> have a page on the Asterisk wiki for each major project and - on that
> page - provide information for developers to aid in collaboration.
> Information could include things like:
> * The subversion feature branches being used for active development for
> that project
> * Tracking of the efforts that have been done on a project, what efforts
> are currently in progress, and what still has to be done
> * Convey the requirements for the project, high-level design, and other
> useful concepts for software development
> * Link to other pertinent information related to the project (RFCs, etc.)
> The pages should *not* be used as a means for discussion - that has
> historically worked quite well on the mailing lists, and the consensus
> was to keep it that way.
> As such, we've created a draft project planning template on the Asterisk
> wiki:
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Project+Planning+Template
> If everyone thinks this is a good idea, I'll make the template an actual
> wiki template on the Asterisk wiki, so pages can be made directly from
> it (and I'll update the Confluence Tips page to explain how to do
> that!), as well as keep it in the Policies subsection.
> Feedback welcome!
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --
> Matthew Jordan
> Digium, Inc. | Engineering Manager
> 445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
> Check us out at: http://digium.com & http://asterisk.org
> --
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