[asterisk-dev] Fwd: Asterisk Sip Registration Hooks

Mike Myhre digium at aeisecure.com
Wed Aug 10 20:51:35 CDT 2011

    Like I said before, we're not going to add it to any version except
    Asterisk 10, and in Asterisk 10 it would need to be generated as a
    security event, not a verbose log message. If you want to provide a
    patch for that, you'll need to use https://issues.asterisk.org/jira.
    I also wouldn't classify it as a 'registry error'; there's nothing
    wrong with the 'registry'. It's a 'registration failure'. -- Kevin
    P. Fleming

I don't see anyone using the security events yet. Why would this require 
something that no one else is using (except for Michaels post below). 
Could I just be missing it in scanning the code?
> Just wanted to chime in here.  I wrote a patch against Asterisk 10 to generate security events in chan_sip and I am in the process of polishing it up.  I hope to put it through the process later this evening or first thing tomorrow morning.
> Since I didn't see any responses to the first invite to write a patch and then I saw Kevin's email yesterday mentioning that it could be included in Asterisk 10, I started to write the patch yesterday late afternoon.  I am anxious to get feedback on it from everyone.
> Michael
> (elguero)
I am interested to see your code (in chan_sip) when you have it done.

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