[asterisk-dev] Final call for changes to Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6.2

Nic Colledge nic at njcolledge.net
Tue Apr 26 08:33:37 CDT 2011

> I have the same comment here.  Can you please point me to the specific bug reports that have affected you?  I know 1.8 isn't perfect (or any other version of Asterisk), but it's useful to have additional feedback on issues that have prevented migration.

I have been experiecing the issues reported in 0018511 and 0017521 (possibly related) causing serious problems with IAX and daily crashes on 1.8. We have managed to move most of our calls away from IAX but the problems still remain (where users cant use SIP). Transcoding seems to make things worse (crash more frequent). One current theory (which I hope to test later this week) is that 118511 is timing related and the probelms go away when you switch over to Dahdi for timing.


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