[asterisk-dev] What happened to the documentation of queue_log entries?

Håkon Nessjøen haakon.nessjoen at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 08:19:03 CST 2010

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Russell Bryant <russell at digium.com> wrote:
> Committers are responsible for ensuring that the documentation be updated as appropriate for code being committed.  This is no different than it has been for a long time.

For me as a contributor, and not committer, it's harder for me to
contribute documentation along with my patch. It won't automatically
follow the patch at issues.*.org or reviewboard.*.org
As far as I saw, it's not documented in the current wiki, how this is
supposed to be done, seen from a contributors standpoint. Where am I
supposed to add documentation for queue_log changes?
To the ticket note itself?

> For those contributing regularly, we would want to get them involved with maintenance of the documentation, as well.  Otherwise, we'll just take care of it, just like has always been the case.

I feel that it would be easier for me as a contributor (and thus
larger chance for me contributing to the documentation) if the
documentation was inside the trunk svn, or a paralell svn repo for
so that I could manage the patch and documentation at the same time,
and be more sure that they will be committed together by the

Since Applications etc is already documented in-file-in-svn. Why would
not other documentation directly related to source changes also be
inside the svn?

Håkon Nessjøen

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