[asterisk-dev] iax on multiple interfaces / networks

Wolfgang Pichler wpichler at yosd.at
Thu May 27 04:50:32 CDT 2010

Hi all,

i do have encountered the following problem / maybe bug...

i do have a machine with 2 nics - nic 1 in nic2 in - nic1 has default gw set, route default gw is nic1, nic2
has its own gateway (with different ip provider) - nic2 is on
different switch, firewall, different public ip line.

So the machine should be completly redunant accessiable over the
second public ip - because it does also go over second firewall -
second switch and so on.

I have also already done my ip routing - so that a ping in both
networks is coming back over the right interface - i have used for

iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -s -j MARK --set-mark 0x2
ip rule add fwmark 2 table link2
ip route add default via dev eth1 table link2
ip route flush cache

The firewalls are doing port forwarding from the public ip to the
internal ip - so puiblic ip 1 - firwall1 - internal ip 1, public ip2 -
firewall2 - internal ip 2

I have assumed that iax packets arriving on interface2 - on
address - will also get answered with this source address set - so the
iptables rule - and ip route route/rule will work - but it seems that
asterisk is ignoring this - when i sent iax packets to nic2 - asterisk
will create iax answer packets with source address of nic1...

As you can imagine - it wont work....

Can anyone here tell me if it is only a simple config failure i have
done - or if the iax implementation is not able to handle this ?

best regards,

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