[asterisk-dev] [Asterisk 0017576]: [patch] Cannot join a queue when all members are paused and "joinempty=no".

Tilghman Lesher tlesher at digium.com
Fri Jul 2 15:44:29 CDT 2010

On Friday 02 July 2010 11:53:52 Dave Woolley wrote:
> The fix that has just been committed for this erroneously, in my view,
> treats paused the same as unavailable.

The fix is not the cause of your ails.  The fix merely closes a problem in the
current implementation of a methodology that you find flawed.

> We make heavy use of pausing, to control which calls actually reach an
> agent, and we found that none of the joinempty options worked well and this
> change will not make things better.

No, you're right, it won't.  It is not a change to the methodology in 1.4, and
therefore, it does not address any deeper changes to the methodology.

> We resorted to using dialplan code to 
> check the number of logged in agents. (Our bigger problem is that there
> isn't a way, in the versions of Asterisk we use, to cause a queue to be
> left when all agents logout, but not when they all pause.  There is in
> trunk, and it might be in 1.6.2.)

Correct, that is a new feature and due to our release policies, it was not
eligible for inclusion in 1.4 at the time of commit.  I strongly suggest that
you try 1.6.2.

Tilghman Lesher
Digium, Inc. | Senior Software Developer
twitter: Corydon76 | IRC: Corydon76-dig (Freenode)
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