[asterisk-dev] How we can use BV Codec in Asterisk?

Tilghman Lesher tlesher at digium.com
Mon Nov 16 11:11:47 CST 2009

On Monday 16 November 2009 02:15:11 am Wolfgang Pichler wrote:
> also if there is no VoIP client at time which does support the codec -
> the codec would also be perfect for connections between asterisk
> machines...

I really don't see how that could be.  Each codec translation has a non-zero
impact on each CPU, which if you made it as your internal format would mean
that you would impose a rather large impact on the potential number of calls
that each machine could process.  Signed linear or signed linear 16kHz is
probably the best format you could use, as most translations use that as an
intermediate format anyway.


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