[asterisk-dev] Google Summer of Code 2009

Mark Michelson mmichelson at digium.com
Tue Mar 10 16:14:46 CDT 2009

Russell Bryant wrote:
> Mark Michelson wrote:
>> * ast_storage: For those not in the know, this was an attempt to make several 
>> storage backends, primarily for use in app_voicemail but potentially useful for 
>> other purposes, too. I think this could make a decent project for a student 
>> because the code is already partially written, app_voicemail needs some major 
>> cleanup with regards to how it handles various storage destinations, and 
>> unfortunately, this just isn't something that is likely to get tackled by anyone 
>> else any time soon.
>> * manager2/managergames: These are existing branches designed to get manager 
>> events converted to internal Asterisk events. While I am suggesting this as a 
>> project, I would like to get Olle's approval first since such a project could 
>> encroach on his managergames ideas. This is another project that will be great 
>> and useful but is not likely to be worked on by others due to other projects 
>> they're working on.
> I have added these projects to the list.  Take a look at my wording and 
> make any changes that you feel are necessary.

I think that project 1f should be re-worded. The main problem I see is that I 
don't think the distinction between the new event system and the pre-existing 
manager events is made clear enough at the opening. It can be determined from 
context clues that this is the case, but I think defining the project more 
clearly would make a student potentially more interested in it.

While I am not going to direct you on how you should word the project, I will 
provide an alternate description here. Feel free to use it, modify it to your 
liking, or ignore it.

f) Asterisk has a relatively new generic asynchronous event API. While it has 
been implemented in several areas of the code base, one place where it has not 
been utilized but would make a great fit would be to replace the legacy code 
used for generating events on the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI). This project 
would entail creating an interface to handle these generic events on behalf of 
the AMI as well as converting existing AMI events to the newer method of event 

Actually, upon reading my description, I've noticed that I may have actually 
added something that is not intended to be part of the project. Does the project 
  just involve conversion of manager events to generic ones or does it also 
involve writing a subscriber for these events so that when a manager event is 
fired that the contents of the event can be converted to the proper format and 
sent to logged-in managers?

Mark Michelson

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