[asterisk-dev] XML documentation for applications and functions

Eliel Sardañons eliel at eliel.net
Fri Sep 19 13:11:28 CDT 2008

As discussed on #asterisk-dev, I have added support for <note> and <warning>
tags, making a trivial task to add more tags of this type.
I call this tags "special_tags", they are of the form (and can be found
where a <para> tag can be found):
   having as many <para> elements as we want. And when printing this tags we
setup in the code the color and how to print it like:

*tagname: *note*
init tag: <note>*NOTE*:</note>
end tag: *NULL

where <note> </note> inside inittag are specified for the colorization
mechanism with a color assigned to this tag.

I have also uploaded appdocsxml.dtd defining the XML schema accepted by the
parsing mechanism in the 'doc' directory of the source tree. The XML can be
validated using this DTD against the core-en_US.xml already being generated
and installed (by default) in /var/lib/asterisk.

Please test this branch and give us feedback to continue development and get
this merged into trunk asap! :-)


Eliel C. Sardañons

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Michiel van Baak <michiel at vanbaak.info>wrote:

> Hi all,
> In a previous mail I asked for feedback on our proposal for an XML
> format to document applications and functions inside asterisk.
> That post gave us a lot of feedback and good ideas.
> bbryant, eliel and me used all this to make this actually happen.
> So here's the state of things as it is now:
> The format is pretty matured thanks the feedback from jsmith and
> lmadsen.
> eliel did a huge job in coding the parsing (with help from bbryant and
> me) of the xml format we came up with.
> jsmith and me converted some applications and functions into the new
> format.
> Testing has been done by the persons already mentioned, and some others.
> So, here we are. We have the code in a branch and it's working great (at
> least we think)
> Now we need feedback from the rest of you !
> So if you have a spare hour please checkout the branch, compile,
> install, and run 'core show application <someapp>' and look what
> happens.
> The applications that are converted are:
> ADSIProg
> AlarmReceiver
> Authenticate
> ChanIsAvail
> ChannelRedirect
> Dial
> RetryDial
> Echo
> SendFAX
> ReceiveFAX
> MorseCode
> Page
> SendDTMF
> The functions thate are converted:
> Once you have compiled and installed the branch you can find the xml
> file in doc/core-en_US.xml
> Please provide us feedback so we can bring this to an asterisk near you
> in the near future !
> Branch:
> team/group/appdocsxml
> svn command to checkout:
> svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/appdocsxml
> Thank you.
> --
> Michiel van Baak
> michiel at vanbaak.eu
> http://michiel.vanbaak.eu
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> "Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"
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Eliel Sardañons
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