[asterisk-dev] menuselect in 1.6.0-rc5 -- f12? really?
Russell Bryant
russell at digium.com
Tue Sep 9 13:54:13 CDT 2008
David McNett wrote:
> I'm trying to build 1.6.0-rc5 and I'm completely thwarted by the new
> menuselect:
>> "<ENTER> toggles selection | <F12> saves & exits | <ESC> exits
>> without save"
> I'm not even sure what "F12" means in the context of my terminal
> session over ssh to the colocated asterisk server, but everything I've
> tried fails. Even so, menuselect isn't seeing my "ESC" either. I
> can't seem to exit menuselect either gracefully or otherwise. Are
> there any real keystrokes I can use instead? I'm sure it works great
> at the physical console.
> I like the new two-pane style but please give me normal keys to exit
> and save!
Yeah, I'm not a fan of those key bindings, either. But, I think the
interface is pretty. :)
Anyway, if you have trouble with this, just run "make cmenuselect" to
fall back to the curses version.
Russell Bryant
Senior Software Engineer
Open Source Team Lead
Digium, Inc.
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