[asterisk-dev] Navigating Voice Mail

Andre Courchesne - Prival acourchesne at prival.ca
Tue Dec 16 19:03:14 CST 2008

Why go to all this trouble when asterisk already supports voicemail to e-mail? 
Just configure your voicemail.conf correctly and the e-mail with attachement 
will be sent out.

Andre Courchesne
Concepteur Logiciel - Software Developer acourchesne at prival.ca

PrivalODC Inc.
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J4Z 3V5

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Steve Wofford wrote:
> Can anyone point me in the direction for navigating Voice Mail based on 
> Asterisk. I am developing a Voice Mail to Email solution. I assume to 
> use the following:
> 1.       Create a SIP INVITE and use SDP to create an RTP session
> 2.       Use DTMF to pass users PIN to VM
> 3.       Enter “1” for new messages
> 4.       Capture the RTP stream from there on
> 5.       Encode the RTP to MP3 (or other low bandwidth file type) create 
> the attachment and email.
> Question: How do I know when a message ends and differentiate between 
> the IVR, new message beginning and ending. I know the prompts are in 
> sound files on the Asterisk box.
> This is just an overview, having never done this and since there are not 
> books on the subject I am wondering if anyone can point in the right 
> direction.
> TIA,
> Steve

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