[asterisk-dev] res_jabber call backs

John Todd jtodd at digium.com
Thu Aug 21 11:07:35 CDT 2008

At 2:24 PM -0400 2008/8/19, Ruddy Gbaguidi wrote:
>Hi all,
>As I see, in the asterisk 1.4, jabber is designed to send messages,
>receive answers and display them in the cli.
>I think we should add the feature that any asterisk module can register
>some callbacks for a specific jabber user.
>Then, from any module, we can request the client using his username and
>register callbacks on message, on presence etc...
>So, as soon as a message will be receive, the call back will be fire.
>What do you think about that ?

I believe there is some work being done on Asterisk receiving 
messages and processing them, but perhaps not exactly what you're 
looking for (yet?)  Maybe you could add those features for presence 
or event callback.  It sounds like you're talking about using XMPP as 
an API - or am I misunderstanding your question?

As a side note, take a look here at the work that Philippe Sultan is doing:



This is _really_ interesting stuff, and creative use of XMPP combined 
with Asterisk should allow all sorts of IM-based call transactions. 
I'd encourage anyone with interest in UC work to take a look at this 
branch, test the apps, and report your results so this can be merged 
into mainline if it seems stable and worthwhile.

Next thing I'd like to see: XMPP events being received unsolicited 
and starting a dialplan event sequence with regexp parsing of the IM 
strings, sender, and IM metadata.  Brian Weschke was working on this 
- http://www.asterisk.org/node/48440  and 
http://svn.digium.com/view/asterisk/team/bweschke/ but I don't know 
where that stands right now.


John Todd
jtodd at digium.com        +1-256-428-6083
Asterisk Open Source Community Director

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