[asterisk-dev] specific storage directory for CDR data instead of LOG_DIR

David A. Bandel david.bandel at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 10:08:18 CDT 2008

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Caio Begotti <caio at ueberalles.net> wrote:
> Morning!
> Someone at #asterisk-br on IRC asked how to storage CDR data
> somewhere else because he was running Asterisk in an embedded device
> with no persistent logging (on RAM). At first I thought about using
> the spool dir, but it seemed hackish because you might care about CDR
> and still don't use monitoring or voicemail etc.
> I've added a new ast_config_AST_CDR_DIR for a quick test and it did
> the trick. If it's not found then Asterisk will still use
> ast_config_AST_LOG_DIR for that as a fallback and no, it's not a
> default value in my test even for new instalattions, it's only an
> alternative path inside asterisk.conf.
> Is that acceptable or does anyone have anything against it? I still
> need to write a patch for cdr/cdr_sqlite*.c and cdr/cdr_custom.c. I
> only got it working for the simple cdr-csv backend, that's why I
> wanted to ask for input before going ahead.

Can you pass the CDR logging to syslog?  That way, the log can be on
another machine.  Most embedded devices are real estate poor.  Seems
to me that would be the best way to handle it.  Allow CDR to log to
syslog so it could log to say local6 on another machine.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
 - Nemesis Air Racing Team motto

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